This is a quite straight forward exercise first remove the NEM pockets to reveal the body fixing screws, the body just pulls away.
I opted for firebox glow this time the backhead is
glued to the chassis you need to gently prise the backhead away off the chassis
mine broke off the locating pins (easy fix just drill out the broken part in
the chassis and fit a new pin into the back head of course you will have to
carefully drill a hole for it I used a 1.5 mm drill) make a hole in the firebox
doors I suggest 2.5mm to allow the glow from the LED to show. Glue to cables to
the back of the back head and cover the LED with blacktack and reattach to the
I chose the Zimo MS480R sound chip and a Sugarstrand 25x09x06
speaker. It is necessary to unsolder the green and blue wires from the 8 pin
plug these are connected to the fire box glow LED with a 1K resistor in the
blue wire. Due to the limited space cut back the stayalive wires sealing the
end with a short length of heat shrink tube. Attach the speaker to the flat
plate in front of the backhead with double sided tape.
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