As with any project it starts with
an idea and evolves. I wanted a means of loading bunkers with coal so a converted
tractor would fit the bill, as Pix Valley is a heritage line money would not extend
to a spanking new JCB 3CX. So the engineering department came up with this little
gem based on a Fordson tractor. Fortunately the team of one photographed the construction
for you to enjoy.
Frames are butt jointed then backed
with 10 thou plastic card and trimmed to the original form
A length of 8mm plastic tube cut lengthwise
and fixed to the bucket end plates the remainder is fashioned using 20 thou plastic
The pivots pins are made from 0.8mm
brass rod pressed into the lift arms
Side frame are glued to a piece of
30 thou card in the shape of a T the tail of the T screws in to the fixing hole
in the base of the tractor.
A quick splash of red paint and a
counter weight fixed to the rear, Job done