About Me

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From Rugby, Warwickshire; Went to Marlborough Secondary School; Studied at Rugby College of Engineering Technology; Worked at HM Forces - British Army; Studied at Royal School of Military Engineering; Former Maintenance Technician at International Computers Limited; Former IT Support at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd; Lives in Letchworth


Wednesday 3 October 2018

Camera Wagon

Pondering as I do “thinks” what can do with that old knackered R296 Hornby track cleaner. A camtruk. First I tried the cheap SQ8 from China disaster! The most awkward devise to operate very poor picture quality next I tried the SQ13 also form China for the princely sum of £18 better user interface and the option of WiFi. First I cut the damaged end out of the Hornby track cleaner and trimmed off the windows from the roof, refitting the clear window into the coach covering the remaining window apertures with white plasti-card shimming it out to hold the camera.

 The camera is 28mm wide so it fits into the body of the coach with a small amount of packing. I drilled a small hole in the base under where the camera sits to allow a cocktail stick to poke the camera out.

Little strips of a bean can glued to the inside of the roof and small magnets attached to the body side hold the roof in place total cost £26.00

Sunday 12 August 2018

Western Hills MPD extension part1

With the increase in locos on Pix Valley, the board of trusties decided to allocate funds for the construction of the Western Hills MPD extension. First off was some groundwork. A dry test of the proposed new site was made. 

Construction of the new base board was completed and fitted together with the support frame. 

Power for the DCC buss is connected though the 8mm fixing bolts. 

The old track bed was wetted and lifted from the ballast the remains of the latter scrapped away, a new turnout has been trial fitted. 

I have a slight concern regarding the DCC wiring with this turnout configuration I prepared the live frog Peco turnout the same as all my other turnouts i.e. snip where the rails are already gapped cut the wire links and bridge between stock and closure rails

Finally the top of the board was cut out and a recess created to accommodate the Hornby R070 turntable.

Modification to the turntable power to is through the slip ring which is modified to be 2 concentric circles ensuring the polarity matches the input rail then each of the spurs are wired to the DCC buss maintaining the correct polarity. This enable sound enabled locos the remain “live” whist on the turntable.

Monday 2 April 2018

Fordson Bucket Loader

As with any project it starts with an idea and evolves. I wanted a means of loading bunkers with coal so a converted tractor would fit the bill, as Pix Valley is a heritage line money would not extend to a spanking new JCB 3CX. So the engineering department came up with this little gem based on a Fordson tractor. Fortunately the team of one photographed the construction for you to enjoy.

Frames are butt jointed then backed with 10 thou plastic card and trimmed to the original form 

A length of 8mm plastic tube cut lengthwise and fixed to the bucket end plates the remainder is fashioned using 20 thou plastic card.

The pivots pins are made from 0.8mm brass rod pressed into the lift arms

Side frame are glued to a piece of 30 thou card in the shape of a T the tail of the T screws in to the fixing hole in the base of the tractor.

A quick splash of red paint and a counter weight fixed to the rear, Job done

Friday 16 March 2018

Coloured light signals interface card

An interface is required to control the current from the DCC buss. I used 4 x 1.5kOhm resistors to achieve this switching is accomplished from DCC Concepts point motor using the inbuilt switch, however I have  other points controlled with Peco motors which will require micro switches.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Coloured light signals

I bought 3 Train-tech SK1 signal kits cheap from that well know Liverpool retailer. After languishing in the to-do box for a wee while I decided to make a start. I ordered 20pcs Multi-colour T0402 Pre-soldered Wired LED’s in green and 20 in red from China for £10 and set about incorporation the into the signal head. I will leave the photos to show the method of construction. At full retail price this method works out £3.75 cheaper per signal.

Monday 22 January 2018

Rail Mounted 27 KVA generator

I picked up a couple of resin cast generators at our club exhibition last November. Finally I got around to utilising one on my layout. Previously I bought 4 micro motors intended for mobile phone vibrators carefully removing the eccentric weight to expose the shaft; the motors measure 4x8 mm ideal for this type of project.
Some tarting up of the basic casting adding a radiator and exhaust mounting it on a redundant Hornby chassis, the project was held up by some reed switches from eBay which were supposed to be in London but were in fact in China!  A 3volt CR 2032 battery holder epoxy glued underneath.

A small magnet is hidden in the red toolbox to activate the motor.